Simple House Design Ideas with Functional Loft Area -- A house with a simple look is often considered unattractive. However, this small and simple house design breaks that assumption. The choice of colors that are not excessive actually makes the house look more beautiful and feel comfortable. For detailed design and decoration, check Simple House Design Ideas with Functional Loft Area.

House facade design

This small house has a facade that looks simple by applying the white color more dominantly. To give a warm touch, there are several wall areas that are added with lights. Despite not having many details, this house has a clean and elegant impression.

Interior design

Entering the interior, this house has a warm look by using wood-style details in some parts of the area. The loft design with a simple staircase can make the room feel more spacious and become an element that can beautify the interior. However, the dominant white color also has a very important role to look clean, spacious, and bright.

Kitchen and dining space

This area is also filled with a kitchen and dining table with a look that matches the surrounding interior. The use of large window designs in several parts is able to provide an interesting view from inside the house, while maximizing air circulation so that the room still feels fresh.

Space saving bathroom

Another part of this simple house is the bathroom and laundry area. The bathroom with a small cubicle is able to keep the area around it dry and clean. As for the laundry area, it is placed in an empty space near the bathroom by using additional shelves in order to organize detergents with more space saving.

Bedroom in loft area

For the loft area, this house utilizes it as a common function, the bedroom. This bedroom does not use a bed and places the mattress on the floor to make it lighter and easier to arrange. Additional windows are also not forgotten to be presented to make this area more comfortable.





That's theSimple House Design Ideas with Functional Loft Area. Hope you like it! will always share you the latest Home Design Pictures ideas and Garden Ideas. So, what are you waiting for, enjoy the new inspiring ideas on

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Author : Hafidza
Editor  : Munawaroh
Source : Various Sources

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