7 Best Beautiful Plants For Edging


Hsdesain.com - Making plants as road borders or as road edges can be the best solution. Plants can be the restriction of a charming walkway. Using plants as road restrictions can create a much more beautiful and attractive appearance and can add a beautiful aesthetic. This flowering plant can make your home page more beautiful. Here we provide 7 best beautiful plants for edging, hopefully they can inspire you.

1. Lavender

Ingrid Roberg

Lavender becomes one of the beautiful plants that you can use as edging. Has bright purple flowers and green leaves make your home look more beautiful and attractive. Lavender has a low height so it can decorate the front path of your house.

2. Rhododendron

Lala akselvoll

This plant is a favorite of many people because its beautiful lilac and pink flowers make your home look more pleasing to the eye. Rhododendrons have fast growth and are usually lush making them perfect for edging in your home. This plant can thrive in direct sunlight so it is suitable if it is outdoors.

3. Liriope

Elisa mccurdy

Plants that have flowers like lavender is also very beautiful if used for edging. Plants that are at the beginning of their growth like this grass will actually be plants that have striking purple flowers in summer. Plants that can stand firm are suitable as edging plants.

4. Alyssum

Free Plants

Plants that can grow to a height of 6 to 12 inches is suitable if used as an edging plant. If you do not want to put it directly in the soil media then you can use the media pot with a large size and then placed on the edge of the road. Alyssum has a variety of beautiful colors so you can combine two or three colors to make it look brighter and beautiful.

5. Zinnias

Heidi lomasney

Zinnias are one of the plants that are very easy to care for and easy to grow in any environment and weather. These Zinnias are particularly suitable if used for edging. This plant has a wide range of colors that can enhance the visual beauty. You can mix different colors for your home front edging.

6. Moss Rose

Rajut creative

Moss Rose can live in a dry environment so it is suitable to be placed outdoors. This plant can thrive in the bright sun and is resistant to drought. This plant also has many colors so you can choose a color that matches and is tailored to the theme of your home.

7. Begonias

Far out flora

Begonias are the best choice for edging plants. The plant is suitable in all sorts of soil conditions and any climate. You can choose a type of begonia with dark leaves because it is more resistant to heat compared to lighter/green leaves.

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Author  : Dwi

Editor   : Munawaroh

Source : various sources

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